Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

IGAF - Indonesian Green Action Forum

Help spread this message!
This message coming from my brother, Achmad Moslem

To achieve sustainable environment and peace of culture which is in accordance with sustainable development
The Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF) is an environmental platform based children and youth, helping in achieving sustainable environment. The platform has engaged more than 1000 people, ranging from 9-25 years old, to conserve the environment in Indonesia. The forum is recognized nationally and internationally and is supported by UNESCO, UNDP, YUNGA UN FAO, UNEP TUNZA SEAYEN, TUNZA Eco-generation, Eubios Ethics Institute, Flagship UNESCO Sandwatch Project, YPARD, and the World Youth Foundation.
More than 35 environmental projects have been developed and extended by IGAF with supporting from the Partners.

If you are interested to participate in IGAF activities, you can reach us via Email: inagreenaction@gmail.com or Twitter: @IndoGreenForum or Skype: IndoGreenForum

A Green Pathway for Sustainable Environment

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