Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

MY Beach is in Degradation: Mangrove Forest


Sekedar sharing, beberapa hari lalu kami dan kak saya ke Pantai Blebak untuk mensurvei kondisi lingkungan di sana terutama kondisi hutan mangrove. Walhasil, sya sangat kaget dikarenakan hutan mangrove di sana banyak yang mulai rusak dan tidak terawat.

Siapa ya yang kira-kira merusaknya?

Hutan mangrove terdegradasi di Blebak
Usut punya usut nih, ternyata hutan mangrove di sana banyak mengalami kerusakan dikarenakan kurang pedulinya masyarakat terhadap mangrove itu sendiri. Tidak hanya itu, masalah hutan mangrove yang rusak juga menjadi perhatian kita di mana tidak hanya masyarakat saja yang dapat disalahkan, akan tetapi pemerintah juga perlu merespon dan mengatasi masalah ini dengan cepat dan sigap.

Bayangkan apabila hutan mangrove di Pantai Blebak ini rusak?
Yup, pasti lingkungan akan mnjadi rusak kan? misalnya intrusi air laut, abrasi, dan berkurangnya keanekaragaman biota laut juga kan?
Video Survei 1

So, from the case, Team Eco-EduActions dan IGAF akan berkolaborasi lagi untuk mengatasi maslah di atas dengan cara melakukan rehabilitasi dan penanaman bibit-bibit mangrove di sekitar Pantai Blebak, Mlonggo, Jepara, Indonesia. Tujuannya agar hutanku nanti bisa dinikmati pula oleh anak-anak cicit dan keturunanku nantinya :)

Salam LESTARI Negeriku.....

Video survei 2

Terima kasih IGAF dan YUNGA UN FAO

Saya sangat senang sekali mendapatkan bantuan Badges dari IGAF di mana badges tersebut secara langsung berasal dari YUNGA UN FAO. Semoga YUNGA Badges ini dapat digunakan oleh teman-teman saya dan para pencinta lingkungan untuk lebih mengetahui pentingnya lingkungan. Selain itu, YUNGA Challenge Badges tersebut telah memberikan banyak pengalaman kepada saya terkait upaya mensukseskan kegiatan lingkungan. Semoga YUNGA Challenge Badges ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan mari kita berkontribusi untuk lingkungan di Indonesia :)
YUNGA Challenge Badges

Banyak macamnya loh

Multibahasa juga kok

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Green Dancing

We moved on with different ways for teaching and educating students. Make happy and enjoy with the environment, we created an strategy named as the  Green Dancing... So, do you wanna dance greenly? See this pictures :)

Let's dance

Happy green dancing

Dancing and dancing

Green dancing :)

A Tune of Tacit Thankful

We should be thankful to all committees of the Eco-education Programme who cooperated together with us at SD N 2 Jepara and taught us about Eco-education. Hopefully we will always keep on appoitment of conserving the environment of being sustainable. I expect forever and state that without God and the hands of the committees, we will not get unforgettable experiences about the environment. Thank you all J

The committees

An inspiring teacher

Master of Ceremony

Head of Education and Sport Department, Ministry of Education and Culture

Giving gifts

Happy performance

Testimony from teacher

Let’s Plant! and Let’s Green!

Disseminating seedlings

Happy students with trees

Let's plant and plant :)

I got the trees

Wow...amazing sudents

I will plant and you

Let's smile with your seedlings

Green Message – An unforgettable of Green Activists

At SD N 2 Jambu, Mlonggo District, Jepara I involved as the participant of the Eco-education Programme on 25 May 2014. Most of 150 participants from elementary schools of Mlonggo District amounted about 25 schools with 2-5 delegates attended the programme held at SD N 2 Jambu. As the host, we were happy and happy so much meeting the new friends. I was so happy because I could share together green activities and got new friends as well. There, IGAF and I worked together prepared all materials and tools used to the programme. As seminars, there were abundant unforgettable message and very important to be imparted on my brain. Climate Change, Forest, Pollution and Agriculture were discussed there. Most the speakers were so sophisticated to the environment.
Green Message interparticipant

Green Message from Praying

Listening the speakers

Be serious!

Green Activist

Green Activist

Climate Change Campaign

Studying and learning

Waiting the speakers


Green Creativity of Used Bottles

On group divided by the committee, we got together creating an initiative in form of using bottle wastes to produce a value-added product. We created successfully flower pots and artificial products. Besides creating these products, the committees asked us to make yel-yel and did presentation. It was so challenging but we did well J. We were happy and hopefully we could work again and be participant of your programme at SD N 2 Jambu.

Preparation the materials and planning

Let's do presentation

Speak up your creativity!

Speak up your creativity and you?

Happy ending of the agenda :)

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

IGAF - Indonesian Green Action Forum

Help spread this message!
This message coming from my brother, Achmad Moslem

To achieve sustainable environment and peace of culture which is in accordance with sustainable development
The Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF) is an environmental platform based children and youth, helping in achieving sustainable environment. The platform has engaged more than 1000 people, ranging from 9-25 years old, to conserve the environment in Indonesia. The forum is recognized nationally and internationally and is supported by UNESCO, UNDP, YUNGA UN FAO, UNEP TUNZA SEAYEN, TUNZA Eco-generation, Eubios Ethics Institute, Flagship UNESCO Sandwatch Project, YPARD, and the World Youth Foundation.
More than 35 environmental projects have been developed and extended by IGAF with supporting from the Partners.

If you are interested to participate in IGAF activities, you can reach us via Email: inagreenaction@gmail.com or Twitter: @IndoGreenForum or Skype: IndoGreenForum

A Green Pathway for Sustainable Environment