Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Planting: A Simple Way for Greening

Planting is the simplest way for greening the environment.  We can plant many more species of plants raning from tree to herbal plants. Not only for greening the environment, it will be multi-benefits gained from the way. For instance, multipurpose tree species can produce fruit, wood and other non-wood products which are not easily to be counted for human beings’ benefits. Another function, plants can be a reservoir of carbon which will be beneficial to mitigate climate change through reducing GHGs.
Sengon seedlings

Sengon seedling

Digging up soils :)




We can not imagine as there are no plants which are able to do photosynthesis and then to produce O2. We are likely not living in the earth and our God will determine the decent place for living. Planting is too the most way for educating the next generation of being green heroes. It means it is able to embed environmental values and awareness to preserve the nature.
Below are some documentations I took for persuading you for planting and planting ! J

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