Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Preparing Fertilizer and Soil Worms

We will continue the next pace to plant and cultivate tropical plants here. So, please read this passage well and you will get the insight you want. After preparing some media to plant the plants, we will continue to explain you regarding fertilizer and bio-decomposer of organic material: worms.
Fertilizer we used as planting was organic fertilizer without adding chemical compound because it would be dangerous for the environment. We bought the fertilizer from agriculture shop close to our home. You know that organic fertilizer was despite eco-friendly, it was a biodegradable and biodecomposable so that it would be the potential for planting.

We bought the fertilizer per sac was IDR 7000 or US $ 0.7 and it was so cheap and not costly. Or we could make it from decomposing leaves or organic mature plants / biomass. We should consider how long the decomposition would be effective. Apparently, we saw most of the decomposition was about 3-4 weeks. WE could take it by another way which was by taking the fertilizer from organic burning. Organic burning was done by my mother in the back yard and most of soils were humus with dark color.

We also looked for soil worms for helping fertilize and growing the plants better. We knew that worms were so helpful for decomposing and helping degrade organic materials. In other hand, worms were useful for making small holes for Nitrogen circulation. So, if you find soil worms, don’t make the worms die ya!

This is our sharing, thank you so much. Hopefully it will be useful for both you and I. J

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Simple Way to Plant Cassava

 Cassava is one of the second tropical plants growing well in Indonesia. It will be deversification of food as paddy or rice is difficulty to be gained. In Java especially in Jepara Regency in which I was born, mostly smallholder farmers use the plant to be cultivated in small home yards. So, I initiated with assisted by my close friend to plant tropical cassava gained from my backyard. So, in this agenda there were three people who assisted my willingness.
Here, you can see the pictures depicting the best ways to plant cassava simply. I will elaborate on how to plant cassava simply:
1.       Take your knives or saber. You must be careful to use it and make sure you know of how to use these dangerous tools.

2.       You must ask to your mother or elders to accompany you as using these tools.

3.       Now, you must look for the plants producing cassava from your home or other places. Make sure that cassava is tropical plants so that it will be easy to be obtained at tropical areas.

4.       Choose the mature stems or braches of cassava and cut it with knives or sabers carefully. Cut the parts with size 15-20 cm.

5.       You can throw the leaves of cassava or use the leaves for feeding of chickens.

6.       Ussually, I use the leaves of cassava and make it into saller size for feeding my chickens or you can compose the leaves for organic fertilizer. Be eco-friendly is the best choice!

7.       Then, you must look for the best site or place for planting the stems or branches.

8.       Dig up the soils with depth about 10 cm and width 5 cm (making holes), and then plan the stems or branches into the holes.

9.       Watering and maintainig the cassava for better growth. And don’t forget to inspect and see the growth everyday ya!

I think my explanation is so simple to be understood by all of you especially for my friends. Keep on seeing my updates! Thank you J

TroBiodiversity Enhancement: Preparation Plants and Media (Part I)

Tommorow, on 3 February 2015, we are the teams of Eco-EduActions started to initiate a program which helped enhancing tropical biodiversity plants from Indonesia. The aims of the program were to maintain tropical plants from Indonesia and to enhance tropical biodiversity in which these aims would be beneficial for the next generations.We tried to plant and cultivate some typical tropical plants including vegetables, herbals, trees and so forth.  In this program, I engaged more than 2 people to take a part. They were so cooperative and good children who were passionate to the environment and planting.
There are some green activities of the program, including preparing the plants and media, seeding and selecting the plants, planting the seedlings and maintaining the plants.
In this time, I would like to tell you major activities of prelimenary program which are:

1. Preparing the Plants/Seedlings: this point tell the previous activity in form of preparation of plants and seedling. There were some plants which were used such as red spinaches, tomatoes, Solanum sp., and water spinaches. Here, we should select the best candidates of the plants for better growth. We took the seedlings from buying at the Farming Shop in Bogor, West Java.

P   2. Preparing Media for Planting: The second time was preparation of media for planting. It comprised polybags, fertilizer, shoves, diggers and soils. There was uniqueness in preparing the media. Polybags used for media could be 3R – Reuse, Recycle and Reduce – so that we should be careful as using these polybags for media. Fertilizers were obtained close to my home in which it was easily gained from organic decomposition and combustion of trashes. The fertilizer was so black and it contained more humus. We should combain it with soils and we could do it and look for nerby my house. Shoves and diggers were the useful tools for dig up soils and fertilizers from the surface of land.

The next agenda was selecting the seedlings and cultivating as well as maintaining the growth. So keep on standing in this blog ya! We will tell you as soon as possible!